Exciting changes are happening in the Ault group as one of our labs undergoes some renovations! We have been working hard the past week to clean up and prep the lab for the construction crew. Most of the instruments were moved into temporary storage and out of harms way for the duration of the renovation. Pictured to the right, the large and heavy Raman spectrometer could not be moved and was instead wrapped up and barricaded behind protective layers of tables, freezers, and boxes. The Raman spectrometer needs to be protected from any dust, bumps, or other hazards of construction.

Above, the future site of our brand new desks and cabinets. On the right, grad students, Hongru, Dan, Diana, and Becky, taking extra boxes and a lot of packing peanuts out to recycling during the lab cleanup. We are very excited to be moving into our new lab space within the next couple weeks! Be sure to check back for pictures when the renovation is complete!