Monday, July 24, 2017

Becky's CC-Raman Paper Highlighted in AAAR Newsletter

In very exciting news, Becky Craig's recent paper in Aerosol Science and Technology was chosen as the "Article Highlight" in the Summer Issue of the American Association for Aerosol Research's newsletter Particulars. The writeup emphasized the potential for Raman analysis, specifically automated Raman analysis to enable ambient temperature and pressure chemical characterization of components in atmospheric aerosols. Great work Becky!

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Dr. Ault Featured in NSF-CHEM Newsletter for CAREER Award

Dr. Ault Featured in NSF-CHEM Newsletter for CAREER Award!

Newsletter Link (pdf):

We are also excited to have the first paper based on this funding out in Analytical Chemistry on Atomic Force Microscopy Infrared Spectroscopy (Article Link).