Wednesday, August 29, 2018

New Aerosol Acidity Paper Came Out

Recently, a new paper "Direct Determination of Aerosol pH: Size-Resolved Measurements of Submicron and Supermicron Aqueous Particles" had been accepted by Analytical Chemistry. This paper is lead by Dr. Becky Craig, who successfully defended her PhD in April.


Friday, August 3, 2018

Ault Lab Presents at Michigan's Karle Symposium

Ault Lab graduate students Nicole Olson and Nancy Lei presented posters about secondary organic aerosols at Michigan's Karle Symposium. Ault Lab high school student Monwarul Islam also presented a poster on his work this summer with aerosol acidity. Nicole was chosen as one of the top 5 analytical posters of the symposium! Congrats to all!

Nicole with her poster on secondary organic aerosol morphology and viscosity. The poster was chosen as one of the top 5 analytical posters of the symposium.

Monwarul Islam, a high school student participating in the D-RISE program, showing off his work with aerosol acidity.

Nicole teaching incoming graduate students about the importance of aerosols.