Wednesday, September 12, 2018

2018 International Aerosol Conference

Ault's Lab at 2018 IAC 
Last week, Ault's lab went to the 10th international aerosol conference in Saint Louis, and had very exciting presentations! 

Nicole Olson (Doctoral Student) - Poster
IEPOX Changes Aerosol Morphology and Viscosity
NICOLE OLSON, Ziying Lei,  Rebecca Craig, Yue Zhang, Yuzhi Chen, Andrew Lambe, Jason Surratt, Andrew Ault, University of Michigan

Ziying (Nancy) Lei (Doctoral Student) - Poster
Spreading Ratio and Morphology of Size-dependent Secondary Organic Aerosol
ZIYING LEI, Nicole Olson, Yue Zhang, Yuzhi Chen, Natalie White, Andrew Lambe, Jason Surratt, Andrew Ault, University of Michigan
Dr. Andrew Ault (Professor/PI) - Talk
Exploring Acidity in 1-10 µm Sized LiquidLiquid Phase Separated Aerosol Particles.  Andrew Ault, Rebecca Craig University of Michigan

Dr. Andrew Ault (Professor/PI) - Talk
Connecting Phase Separations in Ambient Secondary Organic Aerosol and Ammonium Sulfate Particles to Relative Humidity and Temperature. ANDREW AULT, Amy Bondy, Sydney Niles, Peter Peterson, Little Josie, Rashad Pace, Ryan Moffet, Rachel O'Brien, Bingbing Wang, Alexander Laskin, University of Michigan

Dr. Matthieu Riva Talk
Understanding Missing Sources of Fine Particulate Organosulfur Compounds in the Atmosphere: Implications from Ambient Measurements and Laboratory Experiments. 
MATTHIEU RIVA, Yuzhi Chen, Lindsay Yee, Hilary Green, Tianqu Cui, Nicole Olson, Nancy Ziying, Karsten Baumann, Mike Fort, Eric Edgerton, Eladio Knipping, Stephanie L. Shaw, Sri Hapsari Budisulistiorini, Caitlin Rose, Zhenfa Zhang, Avram Gold, Barbara Turpin, William Vizuete, Igor O. Ribeiro, Santos e Oliveira, Cristine Machado, Sérgio Duvoisin Junior, Rodrigo A. F. de Souza, Eliane Gomes, et al., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Dr. Yue Zhang (Postdoc at UNC-Chapel Hill) - Talk
Enhancement of the Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation by the Phase State Change of Organic Aerosols. YUE ZHANG, Martin Wolf, Leonid Nichman, Zhenfa Zhang, Avram Gold, John Jayne, Paul Davidovits, Douglas Worsnop, Jason Surratt, Timothy Onasch, Daniel Cziczo, MIT; Aerodyne Research, Inc.; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Dr. Yue Zhang (Postdoc at UNC-Chapel Hill) - Talk
Enhancement of the Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation by the Phase State Change of Organic Aerosols. YUE ZHANG, Martin Wolf, Leonid Nichman, Zhenfa Zhang, Avram Gold, John Jayne, Paul Davidovits, Douglas Worsnop, Jason Surratt, Timothy Onasch, Daniel Cziczo, MIT; Aerodyne Research, Inc.; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Yuzhi Chen (Doctoral Student at UNC-Chapel Hill) - Talk
Experimental Study of Condensed-Phase Reaction Kinetics of Secondary Organic Aerosols from Isoprene Expoxydiols. YUZHI CHEN, Matthieu Riva, Theran P. Riedel, Havala Pye, Nicole Olson, Ziying Lei, Zhenfa Zhang, Avram Gold, William Vizuete, Barbara Turpin, Andrew Ault, Jason Surratt, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Nicole and Nancy at Arch