Friday, October 26, 2018

Freshwater field sampling trip

PhD student Nicole Olson and rotator Madeline Cooke collected freshwater samples from sites all over Michigan including Lake St. Clair, Saginaw Bay, the Flint River, and Muskegon Lake. These samples will be used to generate lake spray aerosol in the lab and analyze for the presence of harmful algal bloom toxins and metals. Check out some of the pictures from our trip!

Nicole collecting a sample from the Flint River, near the mouth of the water treatment plant.

Madeline collecting samples at Mona Lake in Western Michigan.

Nicole posing with one of the samples.

Madeline collecting a sample off the
boat launch at Lake St. Clair. 
The Saginaw Bay site at Bay City State Recreation Area. 

Madeline performing pH and blue green algae analysis in the mobile lab. 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Nicole gives departmental seminar!

Nicole recently gave a seminar, titled Organic Aerosol Phase and Viscosity Changes after Multiphase Chemistry, to the analytical chemistry graduate students and faculty. This was Nicole's first oral presentation about her research towards understanding the physicochemical properties of organic aerosols after reaction with gas-phase species. This project is an ongoing collaboration with the Surratt Group at UNC-Chapel Hill. Congrats!