Wednesday, June 6, 2018

UNC Field Study Update

The Ault and Surratt Lab's have been quite busy performing secondary organic aerosol (SOA) experiments. In this study, we have created SOA from 5 different sources, both biogenic and anthropogenic, and performed reactive uptake of IEPOX on each type. The study, appropriately titled IEPOXalypse, has already made some really exciting discoveries that we are excited to share with you all soon! Check below for some pictures of the study thus far.

Nancy and Andy working hard to set up equipment before starting our experiments.

Nicole, Yuzhi Chen, Nancy, and Yue Zhang smiling after a day of successful experiments.

Nicole and Nancy transferring data the old fashioned way - quite the learning experience! :)

Celebratory dinner with collaborators from the Surratt Lab and the Army.

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