Thursday, August 29, 2019

ACS conference

2019 ACS Conference

Andy, Nicole and Nancy went to 2019 ACS conference this summer in San Diago.
It was such a big conference, Andy, Nicole and Nancy all presented great research and met many awesome researchers there!

Image may contain: 4 people, including Nancy Lei, people smiling, people sitting
Andy took Nicole and Nancy to experience great seafood!

Image may contain: Nancy Lei, standing
Nancy presented her current research project "Polymer Thin Film as a Sensor of Aerosol Acidity"

Nicole present poster at Science-Mix section

Nicole was giving two talks: "Harmful algal bloom toxins in atmospheric aerosol", and "IEPOX uptake changes aerosol morphology and viscosity"

Image may contain: Nancy Lei and Sue Olson, people smiling, people standing and indoor
Nancy and Nicole at ACS conference

Friday, August 2, 2019

2019 Summer Symposiums

2019 Summer Symposiums

This summer ault's lab has some great presentations! Michigan Sea Grant's internship program hosted a symposium and invited Nicole to give a talk, which is very exciting. She talked about her current study "Harmful Algal Bloom Toxins in Atmospheric Aerosols". Nicole did a great job on her talk and this study will be published soon!

Nicole's talk

At the same day, the University of Michigan chemistry department hosted Karle's Symposium. It's the first time Jia presented his research.
Jia with his poster