Thursday, August 29, 2019

ACS conference

2019 ACS Conference

Andy, Nicole and Nancy went to 2019 ACS conference this summer in San Diago.
It was such a big conference, Andy, Nicole and Nancy all presented great research and met many awesome researchers there!

Image may contain: 4 people, including Nancy Lei, people smiling, people sitting
Andy took Nicole and Nancy to experience great seafood!

Image may contain: Nancy Lei, standing
Nancy presented her current research project "Polymer Thin Film as a Sensor of Aerosol Acidity"

Nicole present poster at Science-Mix section

Nicole was giving two talks: "Harmful algal bloom toxins in atmospheric aerosol", and "IEPOX uptake changes aerosol morphology and viscosity"

Image may contain: Nancy Lei and Sue Olson, people smiling, people standing and indoor
Nancy and Nicole at ACS conference

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